Title: "Speaking with the Soul"
Size: "24" x 36"
Medium: Acrylics
“A photograph could never capture the true essence of a painting…” my entire undergrad, and the above picture, could attest to this statement…
This weeks project was a little different, different how? Well, unlike my past paintings, this one was meant to show communication and understanding, on another level.
When I first set out to paint this picture, I thought of Mark Rothko’s paintings in The Rothko Chapel (http://www.rothkochapel.org/). Colored canvases, placed in a room, which help to evoke a feeling/emotion in the visitor. Communication without words. The idea is impactful to me, so I wanted to see if I could instill a feeling in the viewers of my painting.
When the background was complete, I remember sitting back and feeling calmer, a feeling of peace. As if the day0s troubles had washed away. How amazing? Just staring at chaotic shades of purple and white could impact a viewer in such a positive manner.
It was good enough for my soul, it was complete! I was at peace… BUT! For the artistic side of me, the challenge hadn’t even begun. This background merely set the stage for the story yet to be told. In my mind, I had an idea of what this canvas would look like when complete… but as any painter can tell you, painting is an organic process, and sometimes paintings can grow in way we did not anticipate.
My gut said, “show two characters that are connected, who get it, but demonstrate no physical interaction between one another.” This was my challenge to myself! Is it possible? It is, and the face held the key to this mystery. Expressions of the face tell a story. I mean take a look at the Mona Lisa for instance.
Nailing the right expression was so important to me, so I placed a lot of emphasis on it. As time went on, I felt like anything I added to the body of the characters would take away from the story… so arms became unnecessary, this is why the lady has no arms.
So, Who are these two people?
Mother and son? Teacher and student? Or two random individuals, who get it, get one another… Neither having met one another, nor will they ever. As I quoted in a previous posting, “…a picture is worth ten thousand words…” and in this case, not all words are spoken.
Koray (Core-EYE) Salih
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