Tuesday, February 2, 2010


acrylic on canvas

“fury…” this last conscious entry in the emotion series is inspired by Rachmaninov’s Piano Concertos 2 and 4. Very intense…Rich! It takes you on an emotional rollercoaster. Leads you down many roads. The three dots after the word fury refer to what will follow the emotional pinnacle. I purposely didn’t call it “anger” as anger is an emotional build up before… the EXPLOSION! Within minutes, hours a person looks back at what they have done and is likely to feel some regret… but fury is a headspace… you are in it for a while… 5 minutes? 2 weeks? 7 years? Because it is the result of a long term build up. Now this is a Taurus perspective on it all. Fury is the result of harm inflicted on you or someone you care about, fury is the result of someone or a group who have committed an act which has wrong you or your own. It a revenge mindset with all the ups and downs that someone experiences… I will admit, this painting was challenging to paint, considering the impact is has on the viewer… To get the feeling I was going after, I had to put myself in the right headspace… as a wonderful piano teacher once said… you must feel what you create… or else, what you have created will mean nothing to the audience. It was not easy slipping into this vengeful mindset, but it was an exercise I needed to go through… sessions had to end with positive upbeat music to bring me out.

Please, when viewing this painting, only view it with the purpose of allowing you to think and understand… but always finish your sessions with positive positive positive!


Koray (Core-EYE) Salih