Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Union of JOMAR!

The year is wrapping up, and why not end with new beginnings??? It was almost a year to this day that 40 people got on several planes to be part of the union of Jenny and Omar, who would later be called JOMAR…well, at least in my mind.

I have to admit, this was the first wedding I shot, and I was excited!!! Considering they wanted me onboard as their photographer… having only seen pictures on my site. What an honour, nes pas? After I was asked, it took me less than a minute to make a decision in my mind, but a few hours to make a well thought out decision…and it was yes in both cases, I was going to be their wedding photographer in sunny Mexico!

Never having shot a wedding before, it took a fair bit of research… and an investment in a new lens and a new camera. And the bonus? My laptop broke 2 weeks prior to leaving. Nice, eh! I think you can imagine where my Christmas bonus went. Even when we got there this trip had a few tricks up its sleeve. Like what you ask? Within a couple of days of arriving, both Jen and I ended up becoming ill. Did that have an impact on the wedding you ask? Well, while we were both sick on the day of the wedding, it just added a little zest to the day… but what’s a shoot without a little challenge? Fortunately, while it was supposed to storm that day, the sun kept coming through at the right moments during the shoot, to make for some great dramatic lighting effects! Were there tears? Yes! Was there Joy? Yes! Was there Rasputin? But of course! And lots and lots of smiles… and cutting a rug with Grandma.

Koray (Core-EYE) Salih

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