Title “when I grow up!” or "what may...or may never be"
Materials: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 12”x36”
Date: January 17, 08
It’s been a little over a week since my last posting, and there’s a good reason for that, I’ve been pushing through the last couple of days so I could complete this new painting for you! It’s funny, it looks rather simple, but the challenge is in lighting and working with limited colors (blue, brown and white). I can imagine some of you might find it simple to work with fewer colors, but when you start going with it, you realize that this is an exercise in shading.
So what’s this painting about? Now the title is "when I grow up..." or "what may...or may never be"…Why? We’ve all seen a movie or two about what toys do when we’re not looking, or not at home. Similar to that, this picture tells the story of what this stuffed bunny dreams of. For a logical thinker, sure a stuffed toy is not real. But what if they could think? What would they dream about? Much like a child who often dreams of a grown up independent life, here the bunny dreams of the same.
Of course a stuffed bunny doesn’t grow, nor will it ever, so the second title "what may...or may never be" speaks to the impossible dream. But, the bunny doesn’t need to know that…sometimes, some things are better left unsaid…"sweet dreams!"
Materials: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 12”x36”
Date: January 17, 08
It’s been a little over a week since my last posting, and there’s a good reason for that, I’ve been pushing through the last couple of days so I could complete this new painting for you! It’s funny, it looks rather simple, but the challenge is in lighting and working with limited colors (blue, brown and white). I can imagine some of you might find it simple to work with fewer colors, but when you start going with it, you realize that this is an exercise in shading.
So what’s this painting about? Now the title is "when I grow up..." or "what may...or may never be"…Why? We’ve all seen a movie or two about what toys do when we’re not looking, or not at home. Similar to that, this picture tells the story of what this stuffed bunny dreams of. For a logical thinker, sure a stuffed toy is not real. But what if they could think? What would they dream about? Much like a child who often dreams of a grown up independent life, here the bunny dreams of the same.
Of course a stuffed bunny doesn’t grow, nor will it ever, so the second title "what may...or may never be" speaks to the impossible dream. But, the bunny doesn’t need to know that…sometimes, some things are better left unsaid…"sweet dreams!"
Koray (Core-EYE) Salih
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