Title: "You'll never know dear... how much I love you..."
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 3' x 5'
“If I could only tell you what I feel as I fill this painting out, it comes to life with each brush stroke. I know what it must have been like for DaVinci to paint the picture of the Mona Lisa ( I do not claim to make any comparisons to his painting, I merely only claim to sense what he must have felt). Today (Feb 8) I spent 20 minutes staring at the painting, wondering who she would be if she were alive, what her soul would say, would she be pure of heart, not even the essence of malice. For this is the beauty of capturing an expression, a face a person... caught in a moment. I am breathless, for I am not sure I have taken breath while I sit here typing this (Truly, I may be impacted by some of the more dramatic symphony music I listen to while I sit here, but it brings me back to my element). A purer moment a purer thought. Far too long have I slumbered in artistic coma, each nerve ending comes alive with each bristle that comes in contact with the acrylic coated canvas. I am not awake, nor asleep, I am awaking.”
Something I had written several weeks ago while completing my new painting. Friends look at me, look at this painting… they look at me… and make assumptions about it, about why I painted it. I can honestly say, it had to be done. This painting is simple… as you have guessed, it is about love… and talks to the purest form of love. A mother’s love for their child… undying.
I would and could write so much about this painting, but as always I will leave it up to you to interpret. The greatest joy will be to hang it on my wall and know it will be there to give off it’s positive energy. You put love into your work, it will return that love.
Stylistically… Stylistically speaking, my goal was never to have the painting in proportion. When I began, my true intention was to continue moving in a more stylized direction, but with each brush stroke, the natural beauty of this character began to shine through. I mean, before we paint, sometimes we must ask the canvas, “show me what you want to be”… and if you listen with your heart, it will tell you.
Impressions… One of my friends say, “what I like about your paintings is that you are honest with your paintings.“ I truly respect that compliment, and I’ll tell you why… because my life long interest is and has always been expression… and when I create something, I want there to be an expression… and I want that expression, that painting to tell the story, without me having to say a word.
I hope you enjoy looking at this painting as much as I enjoyed creating it!
Oh... the name of the painting... comes from that little song you use to sing.... "You are my sunshine... my only sunshine..."
Koray (Core-EYE) Salih